September 06, 2023   by


Chamas across cultures are a universal concept since they appear across the world in different regions. Chamas, the informal savings and investment groups, demonstrate that people from diverse backgrounds share a common goal: financial empowerment. In this article, we will embark on a global journey to explore the fascinating world of Chamas in different cultures. Also we will highlight their cultural significance and the valuable lessons they offer.

Chamas in African Cultures: Ubuntu and Community Solidarity

In many African cultures, Chamas implement the philosophy of Ubuntu, emphasizing on interconnectedness and community. These Chamas act as social safety nets, promoting a sense of responsibility towards members, nurturing a culture of shared wealth and communal growth.

Ubuntu communities showcasing chamas across cultures

Chama in Latin America: Tandas and Roscas Chamas across Cultures

Latin American cultures have their own versions of Chamas, known as Tandas and Roscas. Tandas involve a group members contributing a fixed amount periodically, with one member receiving the entire sum in rotation. However, Roscas focus on collective savings, encouraging participants to save for specific goals, such as education or home purchases.

chama members handling contributions

Asian Chamas: Hui in China and Arisan in Indonesia

In China, the Hui is a traditional savings club where members pool their funds and take turns receiving the contributions. Similarly, Indonesia’s Arisan revolves around communal savings, often used to support members during significant life events. Both Chamas reflect the importance of group harmony and mutual trust in Asian cultures.

Asian chamas in culture

Middle Eastern Chamas: Sous in Morocco and Gam’eya in Egypt

In Morocco, Chamas known as Sous foster a sense of community and provide financial stability. Therefore, participants contribute regularly and take turns receiving the pooled funds. Egypt’s Gam’eya follows a similar principle, strengthening social bonds and helping members meet their financial goals.

chamas in Middle Eastern cultures

Chamas in Western Contexts: Investment Clubs and Social Groups as Chamas across Cultures

Even in Western cultures, Chamas take on different forms. Investment clubs are groups of individuals who pool their money to invest in stocks and other assets. Thus, such clubs provide a platform for financial education and collaborative investment decisions. Social Chamas, on the other hand, focus on building friendships and shared experiences rather than financial gain.

investment clubs  and social groups


Chamas are a testament to the universal desire for financial security, community support, and shared prosperity. Regardless, all cultures all over the world show how we share common values of cooperation and financial empowerment.

As we explore Chamas in different regions, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human societies. Whether it’s the Ubuntu philosophy in Africa, Tandas in Latin America, or Hui in China, Chamas show unity during financial challenges. Ultimately, in a globalized world, these cultural treasures offer valuable lessons on the power of shared financial goals.

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This post was written by Fred Murigi

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