September 06, 2023   by

Introduction Chamas across cultures are a universal concept since they appear across the world in different regions. Chamas, the informal savings and investment groups, demonstrate that people from diverse backgrounds share a common goal: financial empowerment. In this article, we... View Article

August 22, 2016   by

Accumulating Savings and Credit Association  Individual saving can be done either by having an account in a banking institution or having a piggy bank.  When one joins a group they learn to save as part of the group.  Choices of saving... View Article

July 25, 2016   by

Understanding How ROSCAS Work Ever heard of ROSCAS? ROSCA is an acronym for Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. ROSCAs are amongst the oldest and most traditional savings institutions in the world and play a vital role in society. ROSCAs’ vary... View Article

March 10, 2015   by

Some chamas that contribute modest amounts per month may face challenges on how to grow their savings to earn more and reach their goals. Whilst some adapt the merry-go-round concept where all the money contributed during the monthly Chama meeting is given to one person; others opt to contribute and put the... View Article

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