Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILCs) are a type of community-based Accumulating Savings and Credit Association (ASCA). The basic principle of Savings and Internal Lending Communities is that a group of self-selected people come together to form a SILC and... View Article
How your Chama can invest in T-bonds and T-Bills Chama experiences various challenges in handling money. Most groups work on high self-assurance and in the case of problems, money recovery gets to be troublesome. To avoid the very nature of... View Article
Accumulating Savings and Credit Association Individual saving can be done either by having an account in a banking institution or having a piggy bank. When one joins a group they learn to save as part of the group. Choices of saving... View Article
How to Negotiate: The Art of negotiating for property your Chama should know. Do you know how to negotiate? As a Chama it is important for members to realize that old-school haggling can work wonders when it comes to getting... View Article