May 07, 2024   by

Chama growth is a huge measure to monitor how well a chama is doing. Opening and running a chama may seem like an uphill task. However, maintaining and improving one is a crucial issue facing new chamas. Chamas are a major financial alternative for many Kenyans, from the most vulnerable in the community to those living abroad. Chama management is important to ensure the smooth chama operations. The process mainly involves proper risk management and data protection to safeguard the chama’s growth. One key issue in chama management is the communication and cohesion of all chama members. In this article, we highlight the importance of good communication and risk management for the progressive improvement of the chama.

Chama Growth Hacks

There are a few hacks and workable measures which chamas can use to foster the chama growth. Chama leaders and members can use such measures to improve the general chama’s outlook. Some of these measures include the following:

1. Hire the Right People who Promote Chama Growth

Chama administrators greatly influence the growth of a chama. The chama can only grow only when its administrators steer the chama in the right direction. The right people in the administrative positions ensure that the chama achieves its goals. Additionally, they ensure the Chama receives the best results on time. Great leadership radically improves how other members relate with each other in the chama. That way, every member will know what role to play and how best to serve the chama and its members.

It is up to the administrators to understand the welfare of the chama and its members. Less friction may occur between chama members and the administrators when everyone works together for the benefit of the chama. Chama members must feel accommodated and heard in the chama even as they follow the chama’s guidelines.

2. Investing in Leadership and Communication Skills for Chama Growth

leadership skills necessary for chama growth

Different people from different backgrounds with a shared goal usually make up the chama. Chama leaders must improve the cohesion between chama members. They should encourage them to share ideas to foster strength and unity within the chama. All chama members should engage in different workshops and team-building exercises that improve how well the chama moves forward. Chama leaders must consult with the other administrators before implementing ideas brought to the chama.

Conflict is a normal issue that arises when different chama members share their ideas. Chama leaders and administrators should look for the best way possible to resolve conflict within the chama. The chama’s rules and regulations should give members a sense of direction with the chama’s values, goals, and mission. Chama leaders must find the best way to deal with an offender while securing the chama’s welfare.

However, it is important for chama leaders and administrators to also take criticism from other chama members. It takes great humility and courage to admit that one made a poorly informed decision. Finding the best way to realign with the chama’s vision helps improve the chama’s growth and cohesion. Ultimately, the chama leaders and administrators must find proper risk management tools to avoid losses in case of an error.

3. Applying Proper Risk Management Tools

risk management in chama growth

Risk is part and parcel of investments and growth, especially in a chama. However, most risks are avoidable when the chama has proper strategic plans and mitigation efforts in place to avoid harm. Therefore, the best way to counter risk is by applying appropriate measures, especially when investing in different opportunities. The best way to put up proper risk management protocols is using chama management software to safeguard the chama’s information. Thus, the chama management software can secure the chama’s data by using different encryption tools such as VPN and SSL.

Even when handling a chama management software, all members must take further measures to avoid data breaches. For example, administrators must sensitize other chama members to take secure measures online. Members must avoid clicking on suspicious emails online and they should avoid giving out their data. Multi-factor authentication is necessary for all chama members to ensure that only authorized people acquire the chama’s sensitive data. Additionally, the chama group management software requires regular maintenance and check-ups to avoid data leakages.

Chama members will be more comfortable in the chama knowing that their data is safe and in the right hands. Chama members will also communicate more effectively and efficiently when there is more transparency with each other and the administrators. Setting up proper data protection and security measures through the chama management software will foster growth in the chama.

How Do You Measure Chama Growth?

A successful chama will show in its numbers, from the chama members to the investments done by the chama. A good chama will accommodate its members, allowing all members to voice their concerns and foster proper communication. A growing chama will ensure that the members achieve their desirable results. Therefore, the chama will achieve positive results in their investments with minimal to no losses. An increase in members signifies the chama’s growth as it moves in a positive direction. Often, this is because more people are investing with the chama.

Also, a successful chama will have a proper software management system in place, allowing proper chama management. That way, administrators will properly manage the chama, including covering all incidences and grievances from its members. The platform will monitor all contributions, fines, investments, and loans allocated in the chama. Technology has made chama bookkeeping much simpler and more convenient, with added security for all chama members. Thus, chama administrators will offer the best solution and promote cohesion amongst chama members and administrators.

As chamas grow, they can become more flexible and accommodating to more and newer members. Chama administrators need to conform to new trends without losing focus on their goals and achievements. Thus, the chama will allow room for growth in numbers and investments to offer better chama benefits to all members. Digitizing your chama offers more accessibility in the ease of communication and cohesion among members. Therefore, all members will know how well their chama is running and what benefits they can access from the chama.


Growing a chama to its full potential might seem challenging to many seeking to run a successful chama. However, chama members must learn to adapt and be open to newer ideas that will push the chama forward. Therefore, it is up to the chama administrators to ensure that the chama operations move smoothly. Chamas should embrace proper system management software and technologies to protect the chama and its members. Thus, the chama administrators will monitor all activities in real-time to avoid losses or any data breaches.

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This post was written by Joy Wanjiru

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