May 17, 2023   by

Fostering commitment among chama members is quite crucial. 

A chama, also known as an investment club or savings group, thrives when its members are actively committed to the group’s activities. 

Chamas offer platforms where members can pool resources and invest in various ventures. Therefore, building commitment among chama members not only strengthens the group’s stability but also enhances its overall success. Chamas face the common challenge of maintaining commitment and participation from all members in this regard.

 It is common for members to lose interest or become preoccupied with other obligations, leading to a lack of participation and stalled projects. Chamas should therefore ensure that the members remain committed. This can be done by chama leaders cultivating a sense of ownership, enhancing collaboration, and promoting a thriving chama environment.

Ways to foster chama commitment among members

  1. Establish Clear Goals and Vision

A chama setting clear goals and a shared vision is quite crucial in fostering commitment among members. After Setting the goals, it is also important for the chama to ensure that the members have a clear understanding of the objectives and vision of the chama. 

Fostering chama commitment by ensuring that members are aware of the vision
Set Goals and Vision.

This will help ensure that the members are working towards the same goals and that there is clarity in what they do. Therefore, it is possible to account for each member, set specific targets, establish timelines and define roles for each member. By doing this, it is possible for chama members to collectively identify and define their purpose. This can be either for their long-term financial growth, personal development, or community service.

It is indisputable that having clear goals ensures that members have a sense of direction and it inspires commitment from chama members.

  1. Foster a sense of community

Fostering a sense of community involves creating a supportive environment that encourages and values active participation from all members. it is really important as it serves to ensure fostering commitment among the chama members.

Chamas could organize social events, team-building activities, or community service projects. These activities will ensure that members feel connected and valued as the chama community is supportive and inclusive. The events are also beneficial to encourage networking and relationship-building among members. 

When members are able to work as a team, it is possible to share ideas and also foster open communication and active listening. Fostering a culture where everyone respects and appreciates each other’s contributions is crucial for active participation.

Chamas can also task themselves to conduct regular meetings, workshops, and brainstorming sessions to allow members actively engage in decision-making processes. This will ensure that there is a strong sense of community thus they can effectively remain committed and actively participate.

  1. Establish roles and responsibilities.

Establishing roles and responsibilities for members, in a chama, will help create a sense of accountability.

Accountability is well known to ensure that the members are well committed to chama activities and actively participate in them. When members have a specific role to play, they feel a greater sense of ownership and accountability.

It is appropriate not to have fixed roles but to regularly review and rotate them. This helps to prevent monotony and allows members to explore new areas of improvement.

Chamas should ensure that they assign tasks and positions to members that align with their skills and interests. After the tasks are assigned, the members should be held accountable for their responsibilities and contributions to the group’s projects. It is also possible to set up a system of rewards and penalties. This is crucial as it acts as a motivation to members to be responsible and accountable for tasks assigned to them.  The rewards can be given to the members who have shown exceptional commitment, while penalties can be imposed on members who consistently fail to meet their responsibilities.

  1. Provide Educational Opportunities

Chamas should commit themselves to providing relevant knowledge and skills by organizing educational sessions for the members. The sessions can be workshops, training sessions, or invite guest speakers to enhance members’ knowledge and abilities. The Chama equips its members with skills in investment management and personal development, thereby enhancing their financial literacy.

Chama training as a way of fostering chama commitment.
Providing Education.

By being part of the chama education sessions, it is possible to feel more motivated and committed to group activities. Also, by a chama offering educational opportunities to its members, it demonstrates Chama’s commitment to members’ growth, enabling them to make informed decisions and actively participate in Chama activities.

  1. Foster Trust and Transparency

It is very crucial for chama members to have trust and transparency among themselves.
Ensuring trust in a chama attracts new members and retains existing ones.

Trust and transparency in a chama are also crucial for members to actively participate in chama activities. This is because the chama members are comfortable to even saving and investing since there is no fear of mismanagement of chama finances.

itis important to encourage open dialogue, honest communication, and confidentiality to achieve transparency in a chama. The members will thus be comfortable running the various chama operations. In terms of transparency, the members get the opportunity to regularly see their financial statements, meeting minutes, and progress reports to keep members informed and involved. 

Trust and transparency build stronger bonds and foster a collective commitment to the Chama. Therefore, they are key for chamas that are committed to fostering commitment among members.

  1. Develop a clear code of conduct

Developing a clear code of conduct is crucial for a chama to establish expectations for members. The code is crucial as it serves to outline acceptable behavior and standards of conduct for members. Members who violate the code of conduct should face consequences, such as suspension or expulsion from the group. This approach helps to create a sense of order and discipline within the chama.

  1. Seek expert advice

It is important for chamas to conduct their activities and operations professionally and in line with best practices. This, therefore, calls for chamas to seek advice from chama experts so as to ensure professionalism and also be in line with chama regulations

The investors will help provide guidance on issues such as investment strategies, financial management, and legal compliance. Conducting chama’s activities in a responsible and sustainable manner will ensure their commitment and engagement.

  1. Adapt and evolve

It is recommended that chamas be ready for any changes that could occur. This could include failure or even dissolution of the chama. The changes can also be a result of a change in regulation are even decisions to digitize chama operations by using group management software. The Chama should also prioritize being flexible to adapt to beneficial changes aimed at increasing efficiency in managing Chama operations.

Chama members also have evolving needs and interests. It is important to seek regular feedback from chama members so as to identify areas of improvement. In a scenario where the chama is responsive to members’ preferences, the chama can maintain relevance and sustain long-term commitment. 

Ensuring that a chama can adapt and evolve as changes occur ensures that a chama is fostering commitment among the members.


In conclusion, maintaining commitment and participation from all members is quite crucial to the success of chama activities. By defining the goals and vision of the chama, fostering a sense of belonging, encouraging open communication, developing a system of accountability, encouraging participation, developing a clear code of conduct, and seeking expert advice, chama leaders can ensure that members remain committed and invested in the group’s activities. With a committed chama membership, a chama can achieve its objectives, maximize its potential, and create a fulfilling and rewarding environment for the members.

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This post was written by Cynthia Njoki

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