Mapato group is a merry-go-round Chama consisting of sixteen women of middle income in their middle 40s. The group has been in existence for about nine years now, and the members have grown closer since and they are now each... View Article
Interventions Interventions are techniques to use when you are confronted with disruption or problems during the meetings. They can be used separately, but are usually more effective when used in combination. Interventions attempt to be low on the confrontation scale... View Article
Planning an offsite meeting Are you thinking of having an offline meeting for your group? Let’s face it. Chama meetings can become boring if we keep doing the same things all the time. You know the routine. The Chama ladies... View Article
Have a large Chama? Here’s how to manage the meetings Sometimes your Chama may grow into something very big. That’s a good thing, right? The answer is yes and no. Sometimes when the group is too big, it can bring... View Article
Actions after the Chama meeting play a big role in helping you achieve expected, positive, and constructive outcomes. Your actions following the meeting are very crucial. Often people need a gentle nudge to remind them about completing action items. Leaders... View Article
Some chamas that contribute modest amounts per month may face challenges on how to grow their savings to earn more and reach their goals. Whilst some adapt the merry-go-round concept where all the money contributed during the monthly Chama meeting is given to one person; others opt to contribute and put the... View Article
Most successful investment groups use a good plan to achieve their goals. Without a plan, you are likely to lose the plot at some point. Thus, planning is one of the most important project management and time management techniques. Planning... View Article
Why your Chama needs a culture No two Chamas are the same. They differ in terms of investment vision, members and even ideologies. For these Chamas to accomplish their goals, they must embrace a set of behaviors that will get... View Article
Team building and teamwork skills are critical for your effectiveness as a Chama leader. Team building success is when your Chama can accomplish something bigger and investment goals more effectively than a group of the same individuals investing on their... View Article
Look around you and you will find some Chamas that have accomplished so much. Well, this did not just happen, there are some things people in these Chamas do that have helped them meet their success. Sense of purpose In... View Article