May 10, 2023   by

Chama taxation refers to the taxation of income generated by investment groups or social savings clubs, commonly known as “chamas.” These groups may be subject to taxation depending on their legal status and the amount of income earned. It is... View Article

May 08, 2023   by

What is a Chama Legal Framework? A Chama legal framework refers to the set of laws and regulations that govern the operation of Chamas, which are informal savings and investment groups popular in Africa. The framework outlines the legal requirements... View Article

April 17, 2023   by

In recent years, we have embraced fintech regulation to ensure that fintech companies are operating in a safe and transparent manner. Generally, fintech companies are companies that use technology to provide financial services. The companies have leveraged technology to provide... View Article

April 13, 2023   by

Theme: Exploring the fintech ecosystem and the future of finance Recently, Martin Njuguna, CEO of Chamasoft Limited, presented at a fintech breakfast event. He managed to share insights on digitizing chamas and the long journey that Chamasoft Limited, as a... View Article

April 11, 2023   by

Chama investment is an excellent way for groups of people to pool their resources and achieve their financial goals.  Chama members could choose to save for a down payment on a house or invest in a profitable business venture. In... View Article

April 11, 2023   by

Chama failure has been witnessed in recent years. However, chama members can work to avoid various pitfalls that could be leading to failure. Chamas, also known as investment clubs or rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs), are a popular way... View Article

March 28, 2023   by

Banks and money market funds are two well-known financial institutions that provide a wide range of financial services to both individuals and companies. Banks are conventional financial institutions that have been around for centuries. On the other hand, money market... View Article

March 23, 2023   by

What are Chamas and SACCOs? Chamas and SACCOs are investment groups that are popular in East Africa, particularly Kenya. They are formed by a group of people who come together to save and invest their money for the benefit of... View Article

March 21, 2023   by

Transforming digital lending is aimed at maximizing efficiency and customer satisfaction. Digital lending provides customers with easier and more convenient access to loans. As a result, the market has become increasingly competitive, and organizations must be proactive and customer-focused to... View Article

March 17, 2023   by

The financial security of chamas has been a major concern. Managing a Chama can be quite challenging especially when it comes to ensuring the security of members’ funds. Fortunately, fintech firms aid chamas and SACCOs with suitable solutions, enhancing their... View Article

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